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Sunday, August 16, 2020

What is Ecommerce business?

ई-कॉमर्स क्या है?

ई- कॉमर्स मतलब ट्रेडिंग,व्यापार, कारोबार,एक बिजनेसमैन को मार्केट में भीड़ की आवाज़ अच्छी लगती है।
दोस्तो, ई- कॉमर्स का मतलब इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कॉमर्स याने इंटरनेट के ज़रिए आप किसी भी प्रॉडक्ट को खरीद सकते है और बेच भी सकते है और पेमेंट ऑनलाइन कर सकते है। अगर आप एक बिजनेसमैन हो तो कोई भी प्रॉडक्ट बेच सकते हो और अगर एक ग्राहक हो तो कोई भी प्रॉडक्ट खरीद सकते हो,आपको कहीं आने जाने की जरुरत नहीं,घर पर बैठे बैठे अपने लैपटॉप ,कंप्यूटर या मोबाइल से प्रॉडक्ट्स बिक्री,खरीदी कर सकते है।
मिसाल के तौर पर फ्लिपकार्ट.कॉम एक वेबसाइट है , ऑनलाइन बाज़ार है,उसकी वेबसाइट पर 6 अक्टूबर को एक मेगा सेल लगी थी ,जिसका नाम था बिग बिलियन डे सेल,इस सेल पर 100 करोड़ बार क्लिक किया गया ।याने कि हर सेकंड में 25000 बार क्लिक किया गया ।मतलब शोर नहीं लेकिन भीड़  बहोत ज्यादा।

फायदे ई- कॉमर्स के

इसका पहला फायदा यह है कि समय की बचत होती है, मॉल में जाने की जरुरत नहीं पड़ती , मार्केट में जाने की जरुरत नहीं,इससे आपका समय बच गया।
बिजनेसमैन को होने वाला फायदा
उनको लोकल और इंटरनेशनल मार्केट मतलब इंडिया और बाहर का मार्केट मिल जाता है,याने अपने देश या देश के बाहर भी बेच सकता है।
ग्राहकों को होने वाला फायदा
ग्राहक को यह फायदा है कि अमेजन, फ्लिपकार्ट और सभी प्लेटफार्म पे प्रॉडक्ट रिटर्न पॉलिसी है,अगर आपको प्रॉडक्ट पसंद नहीं आया तो आप रिटर्न कर सकते।
ट्रैवेल और बुकिंग पॉर्टल 
मैक माय ट्रिप
क्लियर ट्रीप
यात्रा. कॉम
गो आई बिबो
आई आर सी टी सी
रेड बस. इन
मुसाफिर. कॉम
ओला कैब, उबेर कैब, टैक्सी फॉर श्योर
फॉर जॉब्स
नौकरी. कॉम
शादियों के लिए
शादी. कॉम
जीवनसाथी. कॉम
ये सभी सर्विसेज है।
प्रोडक्ट्स से संबधित
मार्केट प्लेसेस
ई बे
फ़ैशन और अपेरेल
ऐसे बहोत सारे ऑनलाइन प्लैटफॉर्म्स है दोस्तो।
एक बिजनेसमैन के लिए सबसे बड़ा फ़ायदा होता है ब्रांड का , ब्रांडिंग में पहले बहोत पैसे लगते थे,आज की तारीख़ में किसी प्रॉडक्ट की अच्छी क्वॉलिटी है तो बिजनेसमैन उसको बार बार बुलाता है तो एक ब्रांड बन जाता है।इसमें वो ज्यादा से ज्यादा लाभ ले सकता है क्युकी कीमत कम होती है,प्रोडक्ट डिलीवरी , पैकेजिंग भी अमेजन और फ्लिप्कार्ट खुद ही करते है।
ग्लास और लेंस के लिए है
लेन्स कार्ट. कॉम
ई- ट्रैवेल 
बहोत बड़ा प्लेटफार्म है और
ई- टेलिंग
ऑनलाइन रिटेल प्लेटफार्म है।

ई- कॉमर्स बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करे?

  1. मार्केट प्लेस में जो प्रसिद्ध, पॉपुलर है जैसे अमेज़न, फ्लिपकार्ट, वहां से आप जो भी प्रॉडक्ट बना रहे है उसको बेचे।हर प्रकार के प्रोडक्ट्स के लिए अलग - अलग मार्केट प्लेस है। जबोंग,होमशॉप18,, eBay,Myntra, नापतोल, इंडिया मार्ट, ओ यो,, फूड पंडा, जोमेटो,जो माल आप बेच रहे हो उसके लिए कौनसा मार्केट प्लेस सही है उसका चुनाव करे।
  2. जो मार्केट प्लेस आपने चुना है वहां से आपको सपोर्ट सिस्टम से मदद मिलेगी या नहीं यह भी देखें,परखे।
  3. प्रॉडक्ट्स के कैटलॉग में सभी जानकारियां दे विस्तार पूर्वक,डिजाइन अच्छा चुने, कलर,,थीम अच्छा हो।
  4. आपका जो मार्केट में कोई प्रतिस्पर्धी होगा वो कितना मजबूत है,उसकी पॉलिसीज क्या है?वो क्वालिटी कैसी दे रहा है,कीमतें उत्पादों की कैसी है?डिस्काउंट दे रहा है क्या? डिलीवरी सेवा कैसी है? प्रॉडक्ट्स रैंज कैसी है? इन सब बातो की जांच जरूर करे तब जाकर ही आप मार्केट में कॉम्पिटिशन कर सकेंगे।
  5. आपने अपने प्रॉडक्ट्स को बेचने के लिए जो ऑनलाइन प्लेटफार्म, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कॉमर्स का जो भी जरिया चुना है वहां से मार्जिन अच्छा मिल रहा है या नहीं इस चीज का अवलोकन करें और वो मार्केट प्लेस आपको कितना फीस प्रॉडक्ट्स के अनुसार मांग रहा है।
  6. रिटर्न पॉलिसीज मे क्या क्लॉज है?आगे उसमे आपको समस्या ना हो।
  7. आपका जो भी पेआउट बन रहा है वो समय पर मिलेगा या नहीं यह देखना चाईए।
  8. शिपिंग आप खुद करना चाहते है तो आपको फायदेमंद रहेगा क्या?या मार्केट प्लेस को ही ये काम सौपना ठीक रहेगा ,वो कितना चार्जेस आपको लगाएंगे ये सब बाते देखे उसके बाद ही निर्णय ले।

  1. इस प्रकार आप एक ई कॉमर्स/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक/ऑनलाइन बिजनेस की शुरुवात ऊपर बताई गई बातों को ध्यान में रखते हुए श्रीगणेश कर सकते है।

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Three Key Risks To E-Commerce Businesses (And What You Can Do About Them)

CEO and Co-Founder of CyberFortress; building a new kind of revenue interruption insurance designed for e-commerce businesses.


No business is without risk (and if you were particularly averse to it, you probably wouldn’t own a business). E-commerce can come with its own set of risks that its brick-and-mortar counterparts don’t necessarily have. Threats to revenue and reputation can have lasting impacts, but fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to either avoid or mitigate the risk.

Here are some key risks you should know about and what you can do about them:

1. Online Security Risks

What online security threats exist for e-commerce businesses? The answer is a lot. In fact, security risks can form a significant part of your financial risk in running a business online.

To begin with, there are risks from hackers that everyone likely knows. Each hacker might have their own set of nefarious designs on e-commerce businesses, whether they're accessing data to sell, stealing payment information, holding your website for ransom (through malicious “ransomware” software) or installing malware “just because.”

Data breaches alone can run into the millions of dollars, while, of course, reputational damage might be immeasurable. How do you explain to a customer why someone got a hold of their credit card details, for example?

As technology advances, hackers get more sophisticated, too. While you can never know for sure that you’ll entirely prevent a security incident, you can be proactive about mitigating security risk. For example, you can:

• Implement robust security policies, including requiring strong passwords and limiting how work devices are used.

• Ensure that all devices are protected with antivirus software, firewalls and any other appropriate security protocols.

• Educate team members on security risks, including how phishing attempts work.

• Only store the customer data that you really need. Avoid storing things like payment details locally.

• Ensure your site is kept up to date, including software updates.

• Keep your site data backed up (just in case).

2. Website Downtime Risk

Imagine it’s Cyber Monday. You’ve put a lot of time and effort into preparing your site for a sale. You’ve spent money on marketing, and you’ve had some cool new images and banners made.

Then, suddenly, your site goes down.

On one of the busiest sale days of the year, you’re now unable to make sales because your website can’t be accessed by customers. For many e-commerce store owners, this sort of scenario would be an absolute disaster and take a significant chunk of their yearly income.

There are several potential causes of website downtime. Your hosting service might experience a technological glitch, or the server you’re hosting on might not cope with surges in traffic. Or perhaps software attached to your website, such as a plug-in, fails and takes the website down with it.

In any case, downtime is a very real risk for e-commerce stores. After all, your business model relies on a working website to make sales. Sometimes downtime is due to an unfortunate outlier circumstance, but there are things you can do to reduce or mitigate your risk:

• Be very picky about the hosting solution you use. Look for a reliable host with a very high uptime percentage and policies that don’t allow servers to be overloaded. Double-check that your site will stay up if there is a surge in traffic.

• Be equally picky about the software solutions (such as add-ons or plug-ins) that you use. Look for software that is widely used, well reviewed and regularly updated.

• Keep your website updated. Sometimes downtime can occur if necessary updates haven’t been made.

• Protect yourself financially in case of unavoidable downtime. A cyber insurance policy can help to ensure that going down doesn’t hit you so hard financially. (A number of companies, my own included, offer insurance for e-commerce businesses.)

3. Website Traffic Interruptions

Downtime is one issue that will interrupt website traffic, but e-commerce sites are also vulnerable to algorithm changes, which might result in less traffic coming your way. For example, Google algorithm changes have resulted in websites being penalized and losing their search ranking if they aren’t in compliance with new requirements.

If you’d been following common SEO practices a decade ago, you might have engaged in “keyword stuffing,” where website owners attempted to game search engines by packing in the keywords. This resulted in poor-quality websites that didn’t necessarily deliver what people were looking for, so Google stepped in and penalized keyword stuffing.

You might not be doing anything as “icky” as keyword stuffing, but an algorithm change still might affect your rankings. What can you do to protect your e-commerce site?

• Stay “white hat.” This means avoiding any sort of bad practice in an attempt to build your ranking.

• Keep up with any trends or changes. Many reputable software companies post regular updates on anything SEO. 

• Keep your website clean and simple. Sometimes problems come from being bloated.

Finally, because you can’t avoid

e-commerce risk completely, some businesses choose to purchase cyber insurance, as mentioned earlier. These can cover you in a number of different circumstances, so should you choose to invest in cyber insurance, do your research by finding out what policies are available to you and what they cover, as each tends to be different.

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How To Prepare Your E-commerce Ad Strategy For An Uncertain Q4

How to prepare your e-commerce ad strategy for an uncertain Q4



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How To Get Started In E-Commerce: A Procrastinator’s Guide

With more consumers shopping online than ever before, now is the perfect time for many small businesses and solopreneurs to try e-commerce.

“We’re seeing a lot of smaller e-commerce sellers doing very well,” says Gary Huang, a veteran e-commerce seller on Amazon and eBay and founder of the  7 Figure Seller Summit, a free, five-day community event that takes place online from August 17 – 21. “They’re getting a huge lift, especially on Amazon.”

That said, taking the plunge is intimidating for many small business owners, especially owners of one-person businesses with tight budgets. As a result, many haven’t yet made the most of the opportunity to bring in revenue this way.

Fortunately, it’s not as hard as many people think. “One of the best ways to learn is to see how other people did it,” says Huang. 

Gary Huang, founder of the 7 Figure Seller Summit, has found that small, nimble e-commerce merchants ... [+] are getting a boost, with more consumers shopping online.

7 Figure Seller Summit

I recently asked Huang to share some of the insights he's gleaned in interviewing the experts, authors and 7 figure sellers who will speak at the summit. (I’ll be one of his volunteers).

Here’s an edited excerpt from our conversation. 

Elaine Pofeldt: If someone would like to get into e-commerce for the first time, how can they identify a niche where there’s a good chance of success? 

Gary Huang: One of the common threads in the 7 figure sellers I’ve interviewed is many of them look for niches and products that solve a problem. 

There are certain research tools that people can use to gauge the competition level. One of the most popular tools is called Jungle Scout. It can scan through Amazon listings and give you the sales numbers of a particular listing. It can give you a quick snapshot of how competitive the landscape is.

Ultimately the big question you want to ask yourself is how big is the demand for my product online and how high is the competition? You want to find a sweet spot where there is demand but competition would not make it too difficult to get traction.

Pofeldt: To succeed in e-commerce, does someone need to work on the business full time? 

Huang: Many of the 7 figure sellers started their business as a side hustle. After they put their kids to bed or late at night after work, they started to go deep into this.

Don’t just quit your day job and plunge in. You still want your security. You don’t want the pressure of this new endeavor to be overwhelming. Maybe spend a couple of hours online instead of binging on Netflix. Then build out the side hustle. 

Pofeldt: How can an entrepreneur in an existing brick-and-mortar business tell if there is any potential to pivot or expand into doing business online? 

Huang:  If you want to test going into e-commerce, I would say first check to see if there is demand for your product online on relevant sites. If you are in fashion or apparel, for instance, certain websites, such as Etsy, are very good for that, especially if you have unique and one-of-a-kind products.

My mom is a retired fashion designer of women’s wear. She’s been doing it since the late 80s. She used to sell in Nordstrom and boutiques all over the country as well as resort areas in Florida. She sells one-of-a-kind women’s tie-die tops and things like that. She retired a couple of years ago. 

She recently decided to test e-commerce. She started putting up some of her fashion designs on Etsy. She noticed she started to get some traction.

Another opportunity for a brick and mortar store owners is to see if their product or similar types of products are available on Amazon. The biggest e-commerce marketplace right now is Amazon. They are representing about 50% of all e-commerce. 

Pofeldt: Let’s say it looks like a product will sell on Amazon. What is the next step to getting up and running?  

Huang: You can open an account on Amazon. They have a portal called Seller Central. There is a free plan and a professional plan. Depending on the amount of volume you are going to sell, you can choose one or the other. 

Each product has Amazon stock inventory number. If your product is already in Amazon’s inventory catalog, all you have to do is create a new shipment. Amazon will give you the shipping labels and a bar code. 

Amazon has a program called Fulfillment by Amazon. It’s probably the quickest way and most direct path to capture a piece of the e-commerce pie. Amazon literally can handle the customer service and storage of your product. They can handle all of the packing and shipping, all of the returns. That’s beneficial because Amazon already has the traffic—it’s already the number one shopping site. It has customers’ trust. If you shopped on Amazon prime they probably have your credit card already saved. 

Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon warehouses logistically are very efficient. Everything is scanned in and sorted, based on their big data. Based on the product or sales pitch, they will tell you “I want you to ship your backdrops to Dallas-Fort Worth.” You would follow their instructions and ship your product to their warehouse.

Amazon charges fees for that. The fees aren’t that low. The other big downside is when you make a sale you don’t get complete customer information. You don’t get their email address. Nowadays Amazon is keeping that information closer to their vest. Those customers belong to Jeff Bezos and Amazon.

Pofeldt: How much inventory does someone need to get started? 

Huang: Start small to test the waters first. Don’t send in 1,000 units to the warehouse if you are not sure it’s going to sell.If you’re running a bricks and mortar store, you can send a trial shipment of 25-50 units.

Pofeldt: What if someone wants to manufacture a brand new product?

Huang: Alibaba is the most popular site to find manufacturers and suppliers in China. Whether or not it is the best place depends on your product. If you are looking for a consumer product like an iPhone case or most of what you see if you walk into Target or Walmart, Alibaba could be a good starting point. Alibaba is like the Yellow Pages. 

If you are creating a new product that isn’t already in Amazon inventory, you will need to create a new listing and have product photography photos uploaded. You will need a product description and a title based on their products. It is important to have the right key words and search terms in the product description. This is both an art and a science. Do some research to see what your competitors are doing.

That’s the secret sauce and the way for people find you. If you are shopping for a backdrop or a mural, for instance, you will have to try to get into the mind of your customers to think about what kind of keywords they are typing in. There could be primary keywords, and secondary keywords. It could be a mural, it could be a backdrop, it could be a Zoom background. 

On Amazon, you want to get placement on the first page of the search results. Eighty percent of the sales volume is taking place on the top 10 product listings. 

Pofeldt: What resources exist for creating the listing? 

Huang: You would want to find someone who has experience with e-commerce and especially Amazon listings. Amazon has its own structure when it comes to the listing. With the listings there is actually a back end. You have the ability to put additional keywords and search terms on the back end. The back end is not displayed on the Amazon product listing. There is additional opportunity there. 

There are certain people that specialize in this niche. One of the speakers at the 7 Figure Seller Summit, Emma Schermer Tamir, runs Marketing by Emma. She specializes in this—creating Amazon listings for 7 figure sellers. People can contact someone like that. 

Product photography is a very important part of the picture. Make sure you either hire a photographer or, if your nephew is an amateur photographer, maybe get him to take the picture. It has to look good. If it looks really bad, not many people will buy it. There are certain marketplaces where you can hire contractors to do different tasks related to Amazon. Jungle Scout has Jungle Scout Market. All they do is help Amazon sellers.




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